Who We Are
Our group of senior women, over 55, started a blog in February 2020 under the expert leadership of Holli Friedland. The goal was to write about our life’s experiences, knowledge, memories, challenges, struggles and celebrations. Our pasts have enabled us to become the strong women we are.
COVID-19 did not stop us: we persevered. We continue writing and meeting twice a week on Zoom. We enjoy learning, reading and writing. Often, we identify with each other through our stories. One person’s memory triggers another’s memory. Camaraderie and laughter infuse our meetings, forming strong friendships and bonds.
We learned new skills and the “ins and outs” of blogging. The format and technology were alien to many of us.
We are quite a diverse group. Some are married, others are not. Some have children, others do not. Some have lived in many countries; others have never left their home state. But what we have in common is our womanhood and the desire to share our life’s lessons and experiences. We inspire each other. Additionally, we are familiar with what others have written, having gone through the same or similar situations. This blog helps us prepare for the many facets of life’s journeys.
Where We Are
We are beginning a new chapter in the cycle of this blog. Rebranding and renaming the blog, which was originally called Stories from the Soul, we are now Women’s Musings: Outlook on Life.This is a better description of who we are.
New students and bloggers will be introduced into the program via our Blogging Bootcamp program. Be on the lookout for more information on that in the coming weeks. Be it prose, poetry, art, short videos or recipes, we want to learn from each other and share our experiences within our group and those who read our blog.
Our Mission
Women are usually the storytellers of the family. We seek women who are willing to share their stories, poems, opinions and thoughts without being judged or criticized. This blog is an outlet for us to express true feelings of self-worth, learning and coping in a challenging world. Through our editing process, we help each other become better writers.
Our Vision
We hope to attract women from all over the world who share our desire to exchange life’s lessons. We strive for members who are looking for friendship and wish to share ideas in a friendly, caring atmosphere. Our objective is to publish thought-provoking, motivating, inspiring and encouraging contributions.
Meet the Team
We are glad you stopped by and hope you will enjoy reading the blog. Please join us and become a member. Welcome!