COVID Thoughts
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COVID Thoughts

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I Want

I want my WORLD – travel

I want my COUNTRY – united

I want my CITY – livable

I want my FRIENDS & FAMILY – in person

I want my LIFE – me


Gifts of COVID

Appreciation of small things like being able to
b r e a t h e

Amazement at ingenuity like Zoom that helped us endure

Gratefulness to the “small (everyday) people”—frontline workers, mail people, grocers

Realization that some people don’t have to be in an office every day, allowing them to be with families; saving on child care, not having to commute which meant less traffic and less pollution

Invention of vaccines and advances in medicine

Pride that most survived and we were able to beat this silent and invisible foe

Read more by Ada Mark Strausberg.

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