Unwanted Guests
Right before a holiday
who wants unwanted guests?
Trying hard to clean, prep, cook;
annoying creatures are such pests.
This group had its own ideas.
They didn’t march one-by-one.
They swarmed in one big mass.
Why NOW did they have to come?
They congregated in the kitchen.
While I panicked left and right.
“Get out!” I shrieked and shouted.
“Shoo! Get away from my sight!”
These guests were not human
with antennae and six legs.
How’d they get in our house?
Where were they laying their eggs?
A spritz of bug killer was needed
but my Raid was ten years old.
Spraying them had no effect.
Windex, though, stopped them cold.
In came my knight in shining armor
returning from cardiac rehab.
He calmly appraised the situation,
saying, “This doesn’t seem so bad.”
First came our trusty vacuum
with its long detachable hose.
Then he also sprayed so much,
I had to hold my nose.
Rosh Hashanah was quickly approaching
as he sped to a nearby store
to buy a package of ant traps
so these guests would be never-more.
Is this poem making you itchy?
Is this the end of the story?
We found some here, some there,
smashing them in all their glory.
There was a light in the tunnel.
My kitchen is now very kosher.
No crumbs, no chametz, no ants.
Plus, now we’re ready for Passover!
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Read more by Eileen Creeger.
Your humorous poem is a gem!
Gmar Chatima Tovah!