Purim Poem 2024/5784
Questions and prayers
Where are Queen Esther
and Mordechai now?
Are they leading our people
in heaven somehow?
Are they watching over us,
sending us blessings,
hoping and praying?
That’s what I’m guessing.
Has Haman learned his lesson
not to mess with the Jews?
Is he back down here teaching this,
or is he singing the blues?
Does the jester still dance
in the heavens above?
Is everyone laughing,
just because?
Has the great King Achashverosh
gone to AA,
given up his addiction,
learned to pray?
Let us remember those who have gone;
keep them close, keep them warm.
Let’s pray for them,
send mitzvah’s their way.
That’s our job every day.
We all want what’s good.
We want evil destroyed,
miracles revealed.
If only you would
help us, Hashem,
on this Purim day
to be very grateful.
Let there be no delay.
our fears into faith
our tears into laughter
and may all
our brokenhearted souls…
find happiness ever after.
Please leave your comments below.
Read more by Hinda Blum.
I love your poem, Hinda! It’s GREAT! And it was wonderful to see the Ormans again!