Getting a flu shot
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Flu Shot

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It was supposed to be
A short errand that day.
But it turned into a balagon
What else is there to say?

Appointments were made
With a time to keep.
But as we all know
Man plans, then weeps.

We stood in line
For what seemed like hours.
My back began hurting,
My mood became sour.

Fifteen minutes to check in
When we had done it online!
Why in heavens name
Does this take so much time?

Finally, our turn
For a jab in the arm.
After standing so long
Was this wait the charm?

But all this ain’t over.
In two weeks, once again!
This time for COVID.
My cool I’ll maintain.

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Read more by Eileen Creeger.

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  1. Love poems we can all relate to. We just had the flu shot. I swear we were there close to an hour. Well, at least it’s done for this year.