Vlad the Bad
Oh that bad Vladimir Putin
He wants to put his foot in
Where it doesn’t belong
And it’s evil, so very wrong
This very cruel and little man
Has the nerve to think that he can
Take by force what he thinks is his
And that it’s no one else’s biz
He sees himself as the Goliath
And everyone wonders why-ith
He’s overtaking David Ukraine
Causing fear, suffering and pain
Ukraine’s President Zelensky
And the people of his country
Are determined to be free
Instead of laughs, kudos we see
While innocents are terrified
Putin is being vilified
Nuclear stations are in peril
We’re so much closer to Hell-il
It may not be WW III
But sounds scarily like II.3
What we see in these times
Surely rings of vile war crimes
All is happening amid
Our other war—known as COVID
A writer couldn’t make this up
The world is truly F U C K’d up

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Read more by Ada Mark Strausberg.
Good job, Ada. Love the photos!