Nature Destroyed
You were God’s neighborhood
Hickory, Oak, Maple
making homes for robins, wrens
and their four-footed friends.
you stood tall, proud
sometimes glistening green
with azure cloak;
other times blanketed in white
or wearing icy diamonds.
Now Gaia is ravaged, slain
her brave soldiers mercilessly attacked.
Giant trunks split open, fallen
sinew displayed
bearing Pain—
Yours and Ours.
Your life disintegrated—
broken arms
lifeless legs
fingers splintered, twisted in disarray,
a mud splayed maze of confusion, dregs, and dross.
Monster Caterpillar trucks
manned by insanity and greed—
unnecessary “need”
For what?
Bricks and mortar?
Smoothed driveways
for shiny cars spitting oil,
spewing smoke that blackens?
What once was green, white, silver
They’ll call their neat new neighborhood
Welling Woods.
Read more by Linda Miller.
This poem resonated so much with me. We tear down our forests and then complain about deer and fox infestations. How dare they come to OUR neighborhood!
This is so true. It’s another annoyance of how thoughtless our society is when it comes to the healt of our earth and all its creatures.